Write for Yourself, Not for Others

People think they need to write about trendy topics to obtain readers. However, this causes many beginning bloggers to fall out and become stressed with attempting to reach their deadlines before the trend dies down. This actually causes people to label you a mainstream blogger that simply 'follows the trends.' Many new readers will flock … Continue reading Write for Yourself, Not for Others

Borrow Your ‘Imaginary Boyfriends’ Clothes!

The fashion industry is constantly changing with new trendy ideas being brought out into the light. The styles can slowly be linked back towards the 80s as we begin to bring back the fashion trends of high waist jeans,velvet dresses, and the use of a lot of hairspray. The issue is: what about the romantic … Continue reading Borrow Your ‘Imaginary Boyfriends’ Clothes!

“Glamour Jewelry” is a Girls Best Friend

Recently, I had collaborated with "Glamour Jewelry Box" company for my latest unboxing video and it was honestly a refreshing feeling. Normally, when you have various subscription box companies that offer you jewelry there's always a catch. The concept for various jewelry subscription boxes is pay the monthly fee, receive the jewelry; should you keep … Continue reading “Glamour Jewelry” is a Girls Best Friend